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Are you to choose a kid-friendly movie?

As a viewer of ifilm channel, you’re most probably concerned about the effect of what your family, and especially your child, watches. Here’s some tips for you, discussed in a series of short articles.

It might be a routine for parents in some corners of the world, to turn the channel up while a terrified child is watching an improper scene. At a time when trailers are a click away, you might want to consider the following as criteria to give your family and kid, a better and more responsible choice.

What if your child keeps begging to watch a movie you don’t know about, saying their friends have seen that all? Would you simply trust a western rating firm’s label on the flick’s package? Guess wrong and you’ll end up bottom-lining it by having to explain complicated issues to an underage child.

You’ll be better off by developing an understanding of the type of content that isn’t age appropriate, let alone developmentally inappropriate. That’s right! The stuff might affect your child’s entire future.

In the future episodes, we’ll try to raise our audience’s awareness of the choices awaiting them, and the fate they’ll bring about to their family, and especially kids. Take it seriously.

